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A post-Twitter boozeletter

Help me future-proof Fingers

As you may have heard, celebrity tequila opportunist and aspiring contract brewer Elon Musk finalized his acquisition of Twitter late last month. He’s been making a mess of things ever since! While it’s personally a lot of fun to watch the world’s richest man repeatedly embarrass himself with all of mankind bearing witness, his short tenure at the hellsite’s helm is a bit of a professional concern, because many readers discover Fingers for the first time via Twitter. Given the platform’s rapid deterioration under Musk’s reign, I can’t count on Twitter to sustain the boozeletter’s growth anymore.

That’s why I need your help. Fingers’ biggest, best, and most attractive asset is the Fingers Fam. In other words, you, dear reader. I’m hoping to bolster my paid subscriber rolls now to hedge against any future slow-downs in audience growth down the road. If you’ve been waiting for the right time to become a paying Friend of Fingers, I hope you’ll consider doing that right now:

I’m an independent journalist, and every subscription directly funds my independent coverage about drinking in America. I can only afford to keep doing this if readers like you step up to underwrite this work. That’s always been true, and it’s even more true now that one of Fingers’ key sources of growth faces potential collapse due to Musk-induced mayhem.

As a reminder, paying subscribers get full access to every edition of the newsletter, and the entire Fingers podcast, plus commenting privileges. 

Thanks as always for reading Fingers. Hope to see you on the other side of the paywall!—Dave.


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